Advice For Recent Graduates Job Seeking During COVID-19

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearly midway through 2020 and millions of new graduates around the world won’t be able to take part in their college graduation due to COVID-19. Graduation isn’t the only thing top of mind for recent graduates, it’s also landing a new job. Here’s our best advice to help you find a job while the economy recovers:

Take Networking Seriously

Thanks to social platforms like Linkedin and tons of others, there are still ways that you can connect with talent recruiters and others. Attend virtual events, send emails and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

Look into your Alumni Peers

See a job you want, research who you may know that works there with Linkedin’s Alumni option. Don’t be shy, reach out!

Consider a job that may be out of your comfort zone

You may want to land your dream job right after college, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes it’s just about getting your foot in the door and getting experience that may be beneficial to you down the line.

Invest in your time

The world has completely slowed down and if you have time on your hands, invest in a skillset. Maybe there’s a certificate you want to obtain or a course you never took in college that would be helpful to you.

Stay hopeful

It’s easy to get down in the dumps about job searching, especially when you feel rejected. Remember to stay hopeful and keep applying, your time is coming.


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