Five Keys You Need To Be A Successful Creative Intern 

You’ve landed the internship and you’re ready to develop authentic life experience in your dream career field. You have your outfit ready, but you still want to make sure you use this opportunity to its full capacity. That’s where we step in, I came up with five keys you need to be a successful creative intern. 

Make yourself Essential 

Create an environment where your employer knows they can count on you to complete any task. Another way to be essential is to be proactive and ready to offer creative ideas when the employee asks for suggestions. This is your moment to be prepared and showcase your skills. 

Ask Questions 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. An internship is a time for growing and learning, It’s your preparation to enhance your knowledge and skill before you apply for a full-time job. Asking questions helps you gain a professional relationship with your employer. Also, it shows that you are serious and want to make sure you complete the task correctly. 

Set Goals 

It’s always a decent idea to set goals during your internship. Know what you want to learn and use your resources to complete that goal. Also, find time to schedule a meeting with your supervisor. Even if it’s one only time, use that time to ask them for feedback on your work and tips or suggestions on how to elevate yourself. 


Networking is interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. During your internship, try to get to know the staff and develop professional working relationships. These relationships can be useful when it’s time to apply to a full-time job and used as a resource for professional references. 

Take Note During Your Experience 

During your internship, make sure you take notes. Whether you use your notes folder on your phone or the classic paper and pen. There will be a lot of gems thrown at you and even if you have the best memory, it’s always an excellent idea to write everything down. These notes will help you out in your future endeavors.


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