Sararuth Delice, Research Director, Discovery 

How'd you get into the industry you're in?

Sheer accident! I studied sociology with a focus in mental health research. I thought I would work with geriatric patients gathering insight on Alzheimer’s, genealogy etc., but quickly realized after a brief introduction to the field, that that work was intensely emotional and not for me; I needed to switch gears. After temping at a few less than stellar places, I came across an ad in the paper (back when people read the actual paper- like real paper pages).  It was for television research.  I thought "I like TV and I know research, I’m going for it!"  After a one hour phone interview, 40 minutes of which was about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I got my first job in media research.

What woman has inspired you throughout your life?

It’s not just one (how can you chose one?!).  I will say the women in my family are all inspirational and leaders in their own right. My mom, my sisters, my nieces, have all inspired me in different ways.  What I learned most from them was that leading can take on a variety of expressions - not always forceful.  You can lead (and inspire) from behind, with knowledge, love, and curiosity.

What's one of the biggest challenges you've had and what lesson did you learn from it?

One of my biggest challenges was when I was at a point in my career where I was hitting a wall. I was complaining and only seeing one way out, leaving. When I started to focus on the basics: work on my resume, work on myself, take a class, teach a class, actively change my attitude, things began to change, and I regained control.  I was able to see clearly and things I previously viewed as negative, I realized were necessarily personal.  Ultimately, I learned not to bypass the small steps; they are your foundation. Use them as tools to gauge where you are and improve yourself through the process.

Why do you think having a village of friends who sup 


Friends who understand your experiences, where you’re from, and where you are going are so important.  When you say you can’t, they help you think of ways how you can.  


What are your favorite ways to self-care? 

I like a good escape whether it be trash tv marathons, a massage, or travel. I also like staying active by taking different gym classes or jogging.


What do you love most about D.C.?

I love the diversity within the black community.  People of color here are more visible at all levels, which is more than what I was exposed to in NYC, specifically in media. It’s a beautiful thing! 

What's your goal career wise?

Ultimately, I want to teach media at the university level.  I want pass along all that I’ve learned and continue learning myself.

What do you want your legacy to be?


I want people to remember me a positive presence in their life. From shared experiences to shared conversations, I want to be able to give back all the love, kindness, understanding and encouragement that I’ve received in this life tenfold! If people can feel that through their interactions with me, I have fulfilled my purpose.