NYKIDRA ROBINSON,  founder of black girls vote


What empowers you? 

• Accomplishing goals that were initially daunting and intimidating.  

• Getting a confirmation from God, the universe or an Earth Angel. 

• Playing a part in watching others grow and supporting them as they complete their goals.

Who inspires you? 

My mother Sherri, My deceased grandfather Robert Lee, and other people winning and killing their goals just living their best lives like Diddy. 

What was your initial reason for getting into the industry you're in now? 

Both politics and producing events kind of happened organically. Politics - I never had a desire to work in politics, but once I got my first job in politics working for Mayor Dixon  I got to see first hand that EVERYTHING involves politics in some way shape or form. I didn’t find any wealthy people that didn’t’ play politics and that spoke volumes.  Producing Events – I l have a very creative imagination and I love producing memorable moments. Producing certain types of experiences is a gift which ultimately builds your brand, personally and professionally.

What do you love most about Baltimore? 

The future, the opportunities and its proximity to other major cities.

What was your favorite song to listen to on set of the photo shoot? 

Cardi B’s Best Life, I Like It, MoneyBaggg

What's your ultimate goal career wise? 

To have multiple very successful businesses and investments where I’m not always the face. 

What do you want your legacy to be? 

Nyki supporting me not only changed my life, but it changed the lives of my family, my friends and my community; which created generational wealth. She gave me an opportunity and I know it’s my job to pass the torch to the next person that looks like me.