Carleen Renee Is Ready to take the Fashion Industry by Storm with Lani

One positive thing that came from the coronavirus pandemic and endless hours of solitude is the creative spark and motivation to create something new. During the tumultuous year that was 2020, millions of new businesses were created, according to the Census Bureau. From skin care products to clothing lines, budding entrepreneurs decided to use their time executing their plans and building their brand.

Carleen Renee is definitely one of those people. In August, Renee launched LANI Swimwear and took to social media to promote her business. The 29-year old later rebranded her company as LANI to expand her brand to include more clothing. 

Since launching, Renee has been able to explore the many layers of entrepreneurship. Color Vision talked with her about her inspiration behind becoming an entrepreneur, the challenges of being an entrepreneur, her plans for the future and her advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

What inspired you to start your businesses? 

I wanted something to call my own — something that I could have total creative control over without having to ask permission or get approval from anyone. I’ve always loved the idea of being my own boss creating my own hours, so I started my own business.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?  

I come from a line of very strong and resilient women. The closest women in my life — my grandmother, Mom, Aunt, Sister & best friend — all have their own businesses. Watching them successfully start and run their businesses definitely inspired me to step out on faith and do the same thing. My family means the world to me and it's honestly such an amazing feeling to be surrounded by such ambitious, hardworking go-getters — people that want more, strive for more, that have never allowed their current situations to define or consume them — that energy is really contagious. My family is really LIKE THAT! We all inspire, uplift and push each other for greatness. So when you come from a family like mine, how could you not want to break barriers and create your own path?

What are some of the hardships that you face as a young business owner?

There are definitely a lot of challenges and hardships that come with being a business owner. I would say the most challenging thing for me is, like with most new entrepreneurs, you have to do everything yourself. You ARE THE TEAM. From marketing, website development, customer service [and] everything for photoshoots (photographer, stylist, make-up artist, hair stylist, creative director). I do everything and although I love having total creative control over everything, it definitely gets strenuous.

What would you say is the most important quality/trait that every entrepreneur should have? 

Self discipline and consistency. So many people talk about doing this, starting that, wanting this, etc., but more than half of them never execute because they are not willing to put in the work that is required. When it comes to achieving anything, self-discipline and consistency go hand-in-hand. Without discipline, it's hard to be consistent in your actions and without consistency, your self-discipline is likely to weaken over time. You’ve got to stay focused and lock in to whatever it is you want to accomplish!

How do you define success? 

For me, true success simply means having peace of mind and joy in all areas of my life. Having encountered a near death experience back in 2018 that shifted my whole perspective on life and made me reevaluate what was important to me, I realized that success is really subjective, and it looks and feels different for everyone based on what you were taught, your values, experiences, etc. Although having money allows you the freedom to do more, I personally don't believe it can “buy” true happiness. I think it's been proven time and time again that it doesn't matter how much money you have, you can still be miserable and unfulfilled in your life. Happiness comes from within. Living in a state of gratitude, doing things and surrounding yourself with people that bring you a sense of peace and joy is a great place to start. I believe your outer world is somewhat a reflection of your inner world, so it's important to always take care of yourself first and be happy with who you are.

What is the most important lesson that you learned since starting your business?

Don’t expect everyone to support you & cheer you on. I’ve always had the support of my family, but I definitely didn't feel the same energy when it came to certain friends. Most of my support and customers are from strangers, but I've learned that's just something that comes with the entrepreneurial route. You can't let others' lack of support or negative comments bring you down or affect what you're doing and working towards. At the end of the day, it's your life and you can either let it affect you or just use that as motivation to go harder.

What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to become an entrepreneur? 

If you're waiting for the “perfect” time to start your business, there is no such thing. START NOW! A lot of people come to me with questions about how to start and  all that comes with being an entrepreneur. Honestly, what it really boils down to is how hard you're willing to work and how much you're willing to sacrifice to achieve whatever you want. I've heard a lot of excuses with a common one being ‘I don't have time’ or ‘I can't find the time.’ My answer is always ‘YOU MAKE TIME FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT.’ I’ve had a lot of long days and sleepless nights just working on my business. If you really want something, you'll do whatever it takes to accomplish it. You’ve just gotta make sure it's what YOU really want, because it will get hard and you can't count on others to motivate you and fight for your dreams. I think nowadays people only really show the glamorous side of being an entrepreneur, but it's actually a lot of work and can be very overwhelming at times, especially if you're starting a business alone. You just have to always keep the end goal in mind and whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP.

What/Who motivates you to continue during hard times as an entrepreneur?

Honestly, my family. I just want to make them proud.

What are your hopes for the future of your businesses? 

I hope to grow and expand my business in every way possible: new opportunities, new inventory, more shipping options, etc. I also would love to build a team of people who believe in my brand and align with my overall vision for it. Most importantly, I just want to continue inspiring and empowering women through my business. I want my brand to be known for more than just clothing. I do a weekly Q&A series on instagram where I speak to women all over the world on topics ranging from mental health, authenticity, fearlesless, insecurities and more. This series is really important to me because I'm really passionate and intentional about inspiring others and love the idea of using my platform as a space where women can share their stories and experiences to help others. If I can leave you feeling a little inspired or motivated after coming across my business, then that's all that matters. 

Keep up with the LANI brand on Instagram ( and shop for items on the website (


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