Whitney Brown is Our 2021 HBCU Scholarship Winner

Who Inspires you?

Michelle Obama is my biggest inspiration. I respect her for all of the things that she has done that has propelled her life, but I more so admire her mistakes. After reading her book, Becoming, I learned of all the many things in her path she may not have been successful. She used those moments as points of growth and lessons that she made applicable throughout her many endeavors. I enjoy the way that she looks for opportunities to go against the norm and take pride in the fact that the work that needs to be done isn't always the most glamorous work. Similar to me, Mrs. Obama has had many instances in her life where people have told her that she would be less than or she was not on a path toward greatness. She has surely proved them wrong and I am on my way to do the same thing; prove the naysayers wrong. She moves with such grace, humility, charisma. These are all attributes that I can describe myself with. I thoroughly appreciate her selflessness in sharing herself with the world, furthermore the documentation of her story will live forever. Becoming is a book that my grandmother recommended to me and I hope to one day recommend it to my grandchildren.

What career field do you hope to enter and grow in upon graduation?

My goal is to be an active participant in the Juvenile Justice Reform in the US. I strive to attain my Masters in Social Work or Public Policy so that I may have the knowledge to write policy that will impact the nation. In 2015 and 2019, there were huge pushes for state and federal systems to dismantle the processes that fueled the Public School to Prison Pipeline. The black community can not afford the lives. Our youth deserve safe and fair instruction in classrooms. I believe that after I gain more experience working in Juvenile Detention Centers as well as grassroot organizations that promote Restorative Justice practices that avert from introducing black students to the Criminal Justice System.

What's one major thing you hope to accomplish in life?

I believe that the life we live will be measured by the way we leave the world. I hope that my impact on students and young adults is everlasting. I hope that I will see the day where we no longer can actively use the term Public School to Prison Pipeline. My true accomplishment will be shown through the remnants of my faith and my character that will inspire the next servant leader to look beyond themselves and strive to make the world a better place.


Color Vision & Discovery, Inc. Partner for the Innovative Woman on the Rise Scholarship


Meet Our 2021 Color Vision Mentees