How She Got Here: Courtney Hensley Launched Her Global Line During A Pandemic

Dynamic, graceful, passionate, and a devout woman of Christ are just a few adjectives I would use to describe Courtney Hensley. As a family friend, I've had the distinct pleasure to witness the phenomenal growth Courtney has exhibited over the decade I’ve known her from seeing her walk the stage at her highschool graduating, getting married, becoming a mother of two, and now a thriving entrepreneur. 

While small businesses and companies everywhere were figuring out how to pivot in light of the pandemic, Courtney decided to grow, build, and launch her online boutique True by Courtney. The fashionable clothing encourages women of all shapes and sizes to “live a life of style, comfort, and beauty,” which is exhibited in the comfy yet versatile clothing options that her growing clientele embraces. The polished and unique pieces range from jumpsuits, blazers, outerwear, plus size, and high fashion with the most recent launch of her Luxe collection

Courtney empowers her customers to not only channel their inner boss woman through her clothes, but is honest and graceful in the authenticity she brings to her brand's persona. She gives her viewers a behind the scenes look at her day to day life that’s often accompanied by an iced coffee, managing her responsibilities as a mother and wife, and using her faith in God to anchor each decision she makes. I had the chance to chat with Courtney and discuss the origins of True by Courtney, managing an online boutique in 2020, and what has shaped her journey as an entrepreneur.

Tell us about yourself and what you are passionate about?

I’m most passionate about living a full life in every way possible. I know life can be so hard but I believe the heart of life is good.I’m passionate about exploring every part of it that I can while I’m here.

How did you decide you wanted to become an entrepreneur and what challenges have you faced?

I always knew that I wanted a boutique but I never really saw myself as an entrepreneur. Being an Entrepreneur was a role I had to step into to make my dream happen. I’ve faced quite a few challenges with starting my business especially because I started this year during a pandemic but I’ve chosen to remain consistent and remain focused on my end goal.

What has your journey been like as a woman of color owning an online boutique?

Owning a boutique as a woman of color is so empowering for me. I used to visit so many fancy boutiques with my grandmother when I was younger and none of them were ever Black owned. I now feel empowered to be one of those fancy boutique’s and show other women of color we deserve the best of everything too.
How has your faith influenced your brand?

Faith is my brand. It’s everything for my brand. I can’t move or do anything without faith.

Explain the importance of mentorship and how it has impacted your role as a businesswoman. 

Mentorship is of the utmost importance and I think we need more free mentorship programs. When you’re starting out you need that guidance from someone who has walked a similar path as you. My mentors have changed my life and keep me so motivated.

What are some books and resources that have helped shape how you navigate creating and building a business from scratch?

This is going to sound so cliche but the Bible is the book that has shaped me the most. In terms of fashion...Vogue, and other fashion magazines have always been sources I looked to. Also, these days I learn a lot from social media and YouTube, there’s a wealth of knowledge out there. Honestly, do your research and go with your gut feeling. I’m learning that more each day. I definitely watch and learn from others but I have to follow my own path as well.

How do you maintain a balance between managing a personal and professional media account so you aren't experiencing burnout?

It’s really hard, I’m not going to lie. I think my boutique is so much of who I am that I can post similar content. When I feel myself burning out, I allow myself at least a 24-hour break.

What are 3 tips you have for marketing your business online?

 I’m still learning this but from what I’ve gathered:

  1. Post- even when you don’t get the engagement.

  2. Figure out your customer and target her with your content and ads. 

  3. Stay consistent.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My grandmother is my biggest inspiration. She is such a powerful woman. I love her faith. She’s the definition of resilience. I’ve seen her lose so much and still make the most out of her life. She exudes so much strength, poise, and class all the time. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

What can we look forward to from True by Courtney going into 2021?

You can expect to look forward to more fabulous clothing! I’m hoping to launch my first design next year too. I think next year will be the year the boutique really picks up speed. I’m excited to see what’s ahead. 





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