Nothing But Gems: Black Women Creators Summit

It’s been a week since our Black Women Creators Summit and we’re still reeling from all the amazing women who brought their expertise, flavor, voice, and authenticity to our panels. We were so excited to feature industry leaders and innovators who have continued to inspire and motivate us to blaze our own creative trails during the pandemic. Whether you are a new mom looking for parenting guidance, a small business preparing to pivot due to the pandemic, a creative ready to spread your wings, or an employee ready to negotiate your worth, the summit was full of inspiring and uplifting people ready to empower you.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend, here are an array of gems to get you through the start of your week. Take notes and make sure you show our panelists some love via their websites or social accounts if you find anything they say helpful to you in your journey.

Power Hour: In Conversation with Erica Williams Simon & Alencia Johnson 

  • “I want my sisters to be focused on who you are. God is still allowing us to reap the harvest of the seeds that were planted even if we’re in a pandemic...Get a routine, cancel the outside noise, and do what works for you.”- Alencia Johnson

  • “As humans we want to be loved, understood,or seen...and sometimes we’re asking a company or organization to do that for us. Do not attach yourself to the company, organization, person or expectation that any of those things will fill something inside of you.”- Erica Williams Simon

The Pivot: Managing Your Small Business in Uncertain Times

  • “We are Black women, this is what we do. We know how to figure out when the times get rough.”- Kalilah Wright

  • “We can’t look at social media as something that we have to do, we should look at it as another marketing tool that we need to do for our business.”- Patrice Cameau

  • “Sometimes you do have to fake it till you make it. You want to be as transparent as possible when you’re a business owner, but there will be moments you have to scale it back.”- Keisha McClain

  • “The biggest win for me is the app I created. I had talked about it and planned to do it, but not so soon. I have had to learn video, production, and editing that I never thought I’d have to add to my resume.”- Shayla Cornick

  • “When I became intentional with my social media strategy, everything I wanted to do with my career changed. I post to educate hair clients and share the knowledge that I have.”- Yene Damtew

The Balancing Act of Parenting in a Pandemic 

  • “I don’t default to “everything is good” so I don’t lie to myself or those around me. I had to learn to be really comfortable and say “Yes, I need help” whether that’s at work and asking for a day off to do online learning or getting assistance with household duties.”- Aja Page Hill 

  • “I stay inspired and motivated to do my job by resting. When I’m overworked and drained then I feel like life is sucked out of me and I can’t produce. If I’m not feeling well then I’m not able to do my job.”- Dayna Bolden

  • “I've gotten closer to God than I have ever been. I have started to pray, meditate, and refocus on new goals and dreams. I’m reassessing where I’m at in my life and who God wants me to be. This time in the pandemic has helped affirm where I’m at in my life.”- Bernetta Knighten

  • “For me self care is being transparent with my kids about the space I’m in. My daughter is 10 and has heard me talk about my anxiety, she knows I’m on medication. Being fully transparent and intimate on the level of “Mommy needs a break and being okay with that” is self care for me.”- Kay Alex

  • “Having an accountability partner has really helped me to stick on track between self care, parenting, and working. We’re so proud of each other and what we’ve accomplished in the past four weeks by doing something as simple as calling each other at 5am to make sure we get up.”- Nikki Barrett

The Power of Negotiation 

  • “Once I got into the tech industry and learned what my salary could be as I leveled up, I did mock interview practices with my girlfriends. We knew what my salary range would be for my level and I was willing to walk away if I didn’t get what I want.”- LaToya Westbrooks.

  • “I’m actively investing dollars I don’t need. I have homes that are accumulating revenue. There are multiple revenue streams you can have to build your wealth. We should applaud and recognize how people build their income outside of hustling and small businesses. Do what works for you.” - Elicia Azali

  • “There are so many budding entrepreneurs and people are recognizing that there may not be stability with the current job market. I’ve seen many people padding their income by bringing in additional income with their hobbies and passions. It’s fairly easy to make money when you’re good at something.”- Tiffany Hawkins

  • “All of us have gifts. The only difference is how we activate them. I really encourage leaning into them. Trust the journey and what you have to offer. How can you snowball how you view your gifts.”- Kristen V. Carter

  • “When you are ready to make a change in your career you need to examine what are your transferable skills and what do you have to offer the world...Knowing my personal purpose and what I’m supposed to be doing in this world drives me.”- Frances Edwards

Landing Your Dream Creative Job 

  • “I don’t ever want to go seeking someone with ulterior motives so I am transparent about seeking mentorship if that’s what I want. It’s about having honest conversation about what I’m looking for and being consistent in communication.”- Janeita Bellamy

  • “You have to be able to have the skill and functional expertise of what you are going after to be able to back up what you are doing with that company or organization - Shaina Morrison

  • “We’re in a time when social media is everyone’s highlight reel. What did you do when you had to take a paycut? Where did you go when you got fired? What did you do when the company had layoffs? Trust the process.”- Courtney Connley

  • “I’m good at a lot of things and even great at some skiss, but what can I master?”- Jennifer Ogunsola

  • “My purpose is to help people see beyond the limits of their circumstances. We know we’re meant to be successful, it's just a matter of when. When you’re walking in the direction of your dreams you should pay attention to the signs.”- Pauleanna Reid


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